Improving Inclusivity in Education with Mote

Improving Accessibility and Personalization with Mote

Mote provides a unique ability for educators and school districts to improve accessibility and personalization for all members of their school community.  From a district or school level perspective, audio created with Mote can be transformed into QR codes which can transform the experience of families or students.  Consider QR codes being generated from Mote with critical school information available in multiple languages!  Family members, parents, and students that are physically visiting the school or the main office can scan the codes to hear this information in their native language.  The QR code below is an example of how critical information about an upcoming registration process can be conveyed to parents via a Mote QR code.

Audio note captured in Spanish and shared via QR

Improving Communication with Mote Audio in Email

At the individual level, staff members and students can create audio signatures in their email that provide a clear and accurate pronunciation of their name.  Check out this example of a quick name pronunciation recording Mote! Along with a name pronunciation, with the assistance of a language department, Mote audio links can be added to any email correspondence, allowing educators to create a connection to all members of their classroom community.  Consider the scenario where a universal message needs to be conveyed to all parents, guardians, or caregivers via email.  Unique audio, in specific target languages can be recorded that conveys the message and the link can then be added to the text email correspondence. Here is a quick example of a message that is conveyed via audio in a target language via Mote. Empowering members of a school to share this custom recording in their email can enhance community as everyone can hear and feel comfortable with not only accurate pronunciations in future face to face interactions, but any message that needs to be clearly conveyed with language specific audio.

Creating a sense of community

Both approaches, at the larger school level and down to the individual school community member help create a sense of community.  By embracing the diversity amongst members of the school's community and making experiences more accessible and welcoming with audio, Mote can help remove barriers, increase comfort, and aid in making the entire experience of schooling more welcoming.  Consider the parent or guardian that is struggling to access and understand key information when visiting their child's school and how audio in Mote QR codes can fundamentally change their experience.  Now, all members of a school community can be welcomed into any experience.


Thanks to Greg Kulowiec for this guest blog post!

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