It’s Their Tool, As Much As Mine…

It’s Their Tool, As Much As Mine…

The Power of Mote for Emerging Bilingual Learners

As educators, the benefits of Mote are endless. Mote allows teachers to provide audio support and clear instructions to students, even when they are off-campus or working with a small group. Mrs. Herrera, a bilingual teacher at Roanoke Elementary, has discovered Mote is a powerful tool not only for herself, but also for her students. She believes Mote is just as much their tool as it is hers. By giving students choice and ownership of Mote, they feel confident and comfortable when sharing their learning. For emerging bilingual students, Mote helps break down language barriers which gives them confidence and a voice.

Students in Mrs. Herrera’s class see Mote modeled almost daily. They are able to go back to listen to instructions as many times as they need. By adding Mote to her instructions, Mrs. Herrera can make sure expectations are clear, vocabulary is defined, and students are supported. 

Click the Slide to Hear Mote in Action

For fourth grade students in Mrs. Herrera’s class, Mote is a tool in their toolbox that can be used across assignments and contents. Students choose to use Mote to explain their learning, which in turn gives them confidence and strengthens their writing when it’s time to show they understand the content. Check out what several students are saying about Mote: 

Click the Slide to Hear Mote in Action

Click the Slide to Hear Mote in Action

Learn about how Mote can support emerging bilingual students from Mrs. Herrera’s session during Motecon 2023:

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