Personalize certificates with Mote + Slides

When the world shut down due to Covid-19, one of the many challenges leaders were faced with was to try to keep the tradition of celebrations, like end of the year awards ceremonies and graduation, as special as they have always been – but more “digital” to keep everyone in the community socially distanced and safe. Creating digital award certificates in Google Slides is a good way to recognize someone for their accomplishments, however, digital certificates tend to lack the “special feel” and personalization that a traditional certificate gives to the award recipient.

How might we personalize digital award certificates? WITH MOTE!

You CAN personalize digital certificates by adding an audio note using Mote! Whomever is being honored – a kindergartener, a graduate, a member of the national honor society, captain of the basketball team, a retiree, etc. – now has a personalized, digital, commemorative keepsake to listen to and cherish forever! A certificate along with the meaningful words spoken about the recipient with Mote can be celebrated with loved ones and can even be shared on a digital portfolio.


  1. Create a certificate in Google Slides & share it so anyone with the link can view it
  2. optional – Resize: File → Page Setup → Custom → 11” x 8.5” → Apply
  3. You can find a “template” in
  4. Record a Mote on the Slide
  5. optional – Replace your purple speaker icon with a personalized image (school crest, logo, personalized icon)
  6. Right click (two finger click on a Chromebook) → Replace Image → Upload from Computer
  7. (Link to Icon Video)
  8. Publish the slide to the web: File → Publish to the Web → Click yellow Publish button → Do you want to publish this selection? Click “OK” → Share the Published Link with recipient
Click here to make a copy

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